Publication details

Krajské volby 2000–2008 v Libereckém kraji: mikroanalýza okresu Liberec

Title in English The 2000-2008 Regional Elections in the Liberec Region: Microsystem Analysis of Liberec District


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Středoevropské politické studie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Czech Republic; Liberec Region; Liberec District; regional elections; uniformity of election participation and election results
Description The article deals with a microsystem analysis of the 2000-2008 regional elections in the Liberec district, with focus on analysis of election participation and election results. There are analyzed sizes of election participation in the relation with the number of inhabitants each municipality, its geographical position, and socio-demographic characteristics of each municipality. Results of elections are compared at the level of each municipality and their categories. There are also observed a stability (an uniformity) of election participation and election results of particular political parties.

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