Publication details

Cartographic tools for health data presentation



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source NaturNet - Redime newsletter Special Edition
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Cross-border cooperation; EC Regional policy; Joint Technical Secretariat; Lead partner principle; Operational program; Saxony-Czech Republic; Saxony-Poland
Description Cartography provides various methods for geographical data visualization. Health data topic is one of application where the usage of cartography is underestimated. Cooperation between cartographers and medical specialists can support use of cartographic outputs by common people as well as specialists in the fields of health and civil services. This paper describes web portal for medical data presentation focused on different groups of users. Web portal contains tools for data visualization with different levels of cartographic complexity e.g. simple static maps, tool for exploratory cartographic analysis, and spatio-temporal data visualization, and innovative cartographic mash-ups with existing global map sources (GoogleEarth). Aim of the portal is experimental verification of usability of medical data cartographic visualisation.
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