Publication details

Medium-grained functions mapping using modern GPUs



Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description The map is a higher-order function that applies a given function to the list of elements producing the list of results. The mapped function is applied to each element independently, thus can be performed for all elements in parallel, making the GPU an interesting platform to be implemented on. Although the map introduce a high level of parallelism when it is applied to sufficiently large number of elements, its implementation can be difficult with respect to utilizing GPU parallel model granularity by mapped functions. In this paper, we show the performance gap between fine-grained (per-thread) and coarse-grained (per-block) implementation of mapped function and introduce the medium-grained implementation that can fill this gap. We also discuss some memory access implications arising from this method and show example how to use them to estimate the performance of different implementations.
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