Publication details

Okrajové přístupy

Title in English Fringe approaches


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The chapter covers the topic of alternative and fringe psychotherapies. The authors deal with the problem of disparate terminology in the field (what terms are being used to label fringe psychotherapeutic modalities, by whom and in what contexts?) Based on recent scientific literature, the authors summarize potential harm caused by AT practices from both, the point of view of the client and the scientific community of psychotherapists. The chapter contains an overview of criteria (how to distinguish between recognized and fringe psychotherapies) and describes possible reasons why alternative psychotherapies proliferate in recent culture (one of possible reasons is e.g. a strong need for security in the western society). In the second half of the chapter the authors offer a view on the fringe psychotherapies from the point of critiques of some of the modalities as well as from the point of view of Lilienfelds concept of Pseudoscience. The authors conclude by giving examples of problematic and potentially harmful therapeutic modalities.
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