Publication details

The Typology of Peace Operations



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Contemporary European Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords peace operations; UN; NATO; EU; typology
Description The mail goal of the article is to design a typology of peace operations of three most significant organizations active in the field of peacekeeping: the United Nations Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the European Union. In some aspects, their peace operations are similar, in other aspects, they differ dramatically. The typology will help us to understand the specificities of these operations, to identify their similarities and differences, and to compare them. In the first part of the article, the subject of the study will be defined. In the following part, some of the most significant partial classifications of peace operations will be presented. The final part deals with the typology itself – it presents the conceptual point of departure, dimensions on which the typology is based, and finally particular types of peace operations, featured in a single scheme.

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