Publication details

Cartographic Aspects of Health Databases Visualization in Global Context



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠTAMPACH, Radim, Petr KUBÍČEK and Edvard GERYK. Cartographic Aspects of Health Databases Visualization in Global Context. In 3rd ISDE DIGITAL EARTH SUMMIT. první. Sofia: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, 2010, p. nestránkováno, 10 pp. ISBN 978-954-724-039-1.
Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords health databases; health cartography; health data infrastructures
Description One of the most important visions of Digital Earth is global sharing of knowledge and data. International databases should be accessible to users from the rest of the world and databases should be coordinated to avoid duplication of any data or discrepancy of values among databases. Transformation of the Earth into a "global village" brings advantages and disadvantages. One of possible risks is a pandemic outbreak of a contagious disease. Decision and reaction must be undertaken in short time. For good decision relevant data and information is necessary. Nowadays, there are many databases of international health data. The following part of the paper describes databases of the most important health data providers. Databases of WHO, OECD, IARC and Eurostat are compared. It is analyzed if they are not in discrepancy and how it is possible to combine data from various databases.
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