Publication details

Pluralita zájmů na učení se a vzdělávání dospělých a jejich průnik v učící se organizaci

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Title in English Plurality of concerns over adults learning and education: learning organization bridging the gap?


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference AEDUCA. Festival vzdělávání dospělých 2010. Sborník příspěvků z odborných konferencí.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords learning;education;workplace learning;organization;organizational learning
Description The main actors interested in learning and adult education express and realize their interests at three levels. This represents at least three different perspectives: the individual, the prospect of the organization / company, and a broader perspective of public or social interest. At these levels one can analyze the interests and compare them. The perceived interests of all parties may be in conflict. Underlying this conflict is the imbalance of investment and benefit for either party. The paper analyzes these potential conflicts and look for perspectives that allow different interests align. Thereafter, the contribution focuses on organizational learning. Discourse on organizational learning shows that it is not just that people learn in the organization, but also the fact that the organization creates new knowledge or viewpoints that are able to influence organizational behavior and enable the organization to embrace a variety of ways to manage change.
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