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Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek

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Title in English Sphagnum rubellum, extremely rare species in bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts: results of field research and revision of herbarium specimens


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bryonora
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords Sphagnum russowii hybridization Holocene history mire Czech Republic
Description We revised the distribution of Sphagnum rubellum in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts (Czech Republic). Contrary to previous expectations, revision of herbarium specimens proved only the occurrence of this species in the Rejvíz bog and in another mire that no longer exists near the Dolní Lipová village. Detailed field research of saddle bogs brought one new record from the Trojmezí bog (close to Vozka Mt.). Sphagnum russowii is the dominating species from section Acutifolia in bogs of the study area. Predominance of S. russowii over S. rubellum could be explained by the relatively short Holocene history, small area of bogs, shallow peat layer or hybridization.
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