Publication details

Řízení metropolitních oblastí v České republice s důrazem na město Brno a jeho zázemí

Title in English Governance of metropolitan regions in the Czech Republic emphased on the City of Brno and its hinterland

ŠERÝ Ondřej NOGOVÁ Andrea

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Geografie pro život ve 21. století: Sborník příspěvků z XXII. sjezdu České geografické společnosti pořádaného Ostravskou univerzitou v Ostravě 31. srpna – 3. září 2010
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords metropolitan regions; governance; cooperation; local action plan; Brno
Description In last few years metropolitan regions are the most important actors in the economic, social and cultural development in high developed countries. These areas are typically consisted of one or more strong centers and many other towns and villages in the hinterland, which are connected throw the system of functional linkages. Therefore it is not possible to think about planning their development only in the administrative boundaries of settlements. To be successful it is necessary to coordinate it at the regional level. The paper presents a local action plan, which is a potential instrument for the management of metropolitan areas, on an example of Brno and its hinterland, where is currently under implementation.
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