Publication details

The role of nitric oxide in triggering of defence response by ergosterol

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Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation LOCHMAN, Jan, Tomáš KAŠPAROVSKÝ and Jitka KLEMPOVÁ. The role of nitric oxide in triggering of defence response by ergosterol. In 3rd Plant NO Club International Meeting. 2010. ISBN 978-80-903545-0-0.
Description Ergosterol, principal compound of the fungal plasma membrane, belongs to the group of elicitors called non-specific elicitors whose not differ in their effects on different cultivars within a plant species. The perception of ergosterol by tomato suspension cultures as well as by tobacco suspension cultures and plants was described when rapid and transient alkalization of growth medium showing a refractory period similar to that noted for chitin or oligosaccharides fragments together with hyper polarization of the cell membrane and PR proteins expression was observed. Even though some steps of signalling pathway including PLA2, PKC and intracellular calcium was proposed up today activation mechanism was not elucidate assuming role of some specific binding partner or lipid rafts. Here we have attempted to elucidate in more details the mechanisms leading to NADPH oxidase and PR protein gene expression.
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