Publication details

Reid roundabout theorems for time scale symplectic systems

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Discrete Dynamics and Difference Equations
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠIMON HILSCHER, Roman and Vera Michel ZEIDAN. Reid roundabout theorems for time scale symplectic systems. In Discrete Dynamics and Difference Equations. 1st ed. Londýn: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2010, p. 267-288. ISBN 978-981-4287-64-7.
Field General mathematics
Keywords Time scale; Riccati equation; Quadratic functional; Positivity; Nonnegativity; Normality; Controllability; Conjoined basis
Description In this paper we survey Reid roundabout theorems for time scale symplectic systems (S). These theorems list equivalent conditions for the positivity and nonnegativity of the quadratic functional F associated with (S). The Reid roundabout theorems in this paper do not impose any normality assumption. We also show that Jacobi systems for nonlinear time scale control problems naturally lead to time scale symplectic systems, and that such a system consists of the Hamiltonian equations corresponding to the weak maximum principle for the quadratic functional F.
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