Publication details

Expanze vybraných sítí prodejen drogerie a parfumerie v ČR - příklad difúzního procesu v maloobchodě

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Title in English Expansion of selected nets drugstore and perfumery in the Czech Republic - an example of diffusion process in retailing


Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation MARYÁŠ, Jaroslav and Tomáš WAIDHOFER. Expanze vybraných sítí prodejen drogerie a parfumerie v ČR - příklad difúzního procesu v maloobchodě (Expansion of selected nets drugstore and perfumery in the Czech Republic - an example of diffusion process in retailing). In XXII. sjezd České geografické společnosti. 2010.
Description The paper is devoted to the diffusion process in the Czech retail network in the range of drugstores and perfumeries. For this analysis were selected Czech and foreign companies.
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