Publication details

Krajiny zamrzlé v čase I. Jižní Sibiř - současná analogie střední Evropy v době ledové

Title in English Landscapes Frozen in Time I. Southern Siberia - Modern Analogy of Central Europe in the Ice Age


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords Palaeoecology; plants; Siberia; snails
Description Reconstructions of Quaternary palaeoenvironments can be significantly improved by studies of the ecosystems in relict landscapes which preserve biotic communities similar to those found in the fossil record. Modern ecosystems of southern Siberian mountain ranges, namely the Altai and Western Sayan, are possibly the closest analogies of the full-glacial ecosystems of Central Europe. This analogy has been supported by our studies of snail fauna, vegetation, and comparisons of modern and fossil pollen deposition.
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