Publication details

Vliv pohybové aktivity na pozornost a exekutivní funkce u dětí s hyperkinetickou poruchou/ADHD

Title in English The effects of a movement activity on attention and executive functions in school-age children with a hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD


Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation explores the issue of hyperkinetic disorders and the relating American diagnostic category of ADHD. It focuses on the problems of impaired attention and executive functions. The conception of these functions is emphasized within neuropsychological models of a hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD, the purpose of which is to give a complex explanation of relations among various mental functions. The research deals with an experiment focused on examining the influence of a specific movement activity on attention and executive functions of children with a hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD as opposed to children without the disorder (aged 9-12). Neuropsychological tests of the programme Neurop II (by Dr. Laco Gaál) have been used and the movement interactive game Dance Dance Revolution has been chosen as a movement activity. A specific impact of a movement activity has been proved in the attention test only not in the one of executive functions.
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