Publication details

The role of reversible zeatin glucosylation in the homeostasis of cytokinins.


KIRAN Nagavalli Subbanna DUBOVÁ Jaroslava BRZOBOHATÝ Břetislav

Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Reversible glucosylation of zeatin-type cytokinins is important for the homeostasis of active cytokinin forms at certain developmental stages. Using the zeatin-O-glucoside (ZOG)-specific beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1, we have been able to disrupt the zeatin metabolic network during early tobacco seedling development. The phenotypes of the progeny of crosses with tobacco plants over-expressing the glucosyltransferase ZOG1 were studied. The molecular and physiological changes underlying the observed phenotypes were discussed.
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