Publication details

Factors of the uneven regional development of wind energy projects (a case of the Czech Republic)


FRANTÁL Bohumil KUNC Josef

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geografický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords wind energy - diffusion of innovation - social acceptance - uneven development
Description The paper deals with the initiation, localization and realization factors of wind energy development in the Czech Republic and analyzes a relationship between the spatial distribution of this phenomenon and selected socioeconomic, environmental and political-institutional indicators. The authors regard the development of wind energy as a process of spreading of a new technology in space and time or as an innovation diffusion which is in principle regionally uneven. The regional differences in the implementation of wind energy projects can be caused by a wide spectrum of interrelated factors whose validity and significance in the conditions of the Czech Republic is tested and interpreted. The emphasis is put also on the motivation factors and risk perception that induce the process of adoption or rejection of wind energy projects at the level of municipalities.

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