Publication details

Level of matallothionein, glutathione and heat-stable proteins in tumours from patients with head and neck cancer

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MASAŘÍK Michal CERNEI Natalia Vladimirovna MAJZLÍK Petr HÚSKA Dalibor BINKOVÁ Hana ADAM Vojtěch KIZEK René

Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation MASAŘÍK, Michal, Natalia Vladimirovna CERNEI, Petr MAJZLÍK, Dalibor HÚSKA, Hana BINKOVÁ, Vojtěch ADAM and René KIZEK. Level of matallothionein, glutathione and heat-stable proteins in tumours from patients with head and neck cancer. 2010. ISSN 1791-3756.
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