Publication details

Výrobní objekty z nově objevené germánské osady v Hrubé Vrbce

Title in English Manufacturing features from the newly discovered settlement at Hrubá Vrbka


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Archeológia barbarov 2009. Hospodárstvo Germánov. Sídliskové a ekonomické štruktúry od neskorej doby laténskej po včasný stredovek. Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae. Communicationes Tomus X
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Southeastern Moravia; Settlement; Kilns; Roman Period; Ceramic; burnt lime
Description The paper offers a preliminary summary of results of a monitoring excavation at Hrubá Vrbka (tract of land Za Bařinou) performed in August 2009, which proved at this recently discovered site settlement areas from the Late La Tene and Roman Periods. Main attention was paid to a partly unearthed manufacturing area represented above all by a firing device which most probably served for the manufacture of burnt lime. Aside from that, several other Roman Period features were preliminarily evaluated. Finding material acquired during the monitoring excavation consists mainly of pottery and small chronologically inconclusive objects, which enable to date most of the examined features to the end of the Early Roman Period. The expert analyses, both done and in progress (chemical, palaeobotanical and osteological), will help to recognise not only the economy but also environment in the Roman Period of SE Moravia.
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