Publication details

Slovem, akcí, obrazem - příspěvek k interdisciplinaritě tvůrčího procesu

Title in English Among words, action, picture - a contribution to the interdisciplinarity of the creative process

HORÁČEK Radek FIŠER Zbyněk HAVLÍK Vladimír

Year of publication 2010
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication focuses on the research of three areas of university science branches that are aimed at the development and practicing of creativity and contemplates the possibilities of cooperation among them. In the realm of Creative writing (Zbyněk Fišer), literary competence and the ability to produce scholarly as well as fiction text are developed. In the realm of Gallery education (Radek Horáček), the interpretation of artwork as an active creative process is analysed, and in the realm of Action art (Vladimír Havlík), research and creative activities in visual arts are practiced. Creative work with text as well as with visual information is an important competence in studying and practice.
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