Publication details

Živá hudba a internet ve výuce Hv na ZŠ

Title in English Live Music and the Internet in Music Education at Basic School


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Didakticko-metodické aspekty využití multimédií v hudební výchově na ZŠ, 2. číslo 6. ročníku časopisu Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Internet; Music Education; Live Music
Description For controlled listening to art music it is possible to use the Internet, concretely website, when pupils under direction of music education teacher compare different interpretive approaches to one and the same music piece. The selection of compositions results from a comparative analytical researching of a large number of recordings, which was chosen for the inducted purpose on the basis of their params. The pursuit is attached to results of the project MUNI/A/1025/2009.
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