Publication details

Determination of AKR-2 beam and verification at iron and water arrangements



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Annals of Nuclear Energy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Nuclear, atomic, and moleculary physics
Keywords Neutron spectroscopy; Gamma spectroscopy; Monte Carlo; Nuclear reactor
Description In this paper computational procedures and the experimental determination of the AKR-2 (Technical University Dresden) beam parameters are described. The calculations were performed using the MCNPX code (Pelowitz, 2002) and the nuclear data libraries ENDF/B VI.2., ENDF/B VII.0., JEFF 3.1., JENDL 3.3 and BROND 3. The nuclear data were processed using the NJOY code (MacFarlane and Muir, 1994). The measurements were performed with a two-parameter stilbene spectrometer (Bures et al., 2002). The measured leakage neutron spectrum was used as the input spectrum for the resulting neutron transport calculations. Because of the poor energy resolution of the experimental spectra the calculated photon leakage spectrum was used as the resulting input spectrum for the photon transport calculations. As the geometrically simple models acceptable for validation, transport through a 25 cm thick iron target and a 20 cm thick water target were used. Both targets were placed at the horizontal channel of the reactor AKR-2.
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