Publication details

Vážky z Polní ulice na Starém Brně.

Title in English Balance scale from Polní Street in Staré Brno.


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Archaeometry; Balance scale; Brno; High Middle Ages; material analysis; SEM; non-ferrous metal
Attached files
Description The article concerns three objects made of non-ferrous metal discovered in the Staré Brno quarter of Brno: a fragment of a ring, small, triangular balance scale pans with three holes and a fragment of a balance bar with a small pointer. Balance scale finds are relatively rare in the Czech Lands; moreover, the Staré Brno balance scale is accompanied by safe archaeological context. It was retrieved from the cellar fill of a defunct wood-and-earth building during rescue excavations. In addition to an evaluation of the find situation and a comparison of the individual balance components with Czech and European finds, a material analysis was performed; this pointed to a secondary assembly of the discovered assemblage.

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