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Jednotná portálová platforma pro sdílení a nabídku elektronického vzdělávacího obsahu v síti lékařských fakult MEFANET ver 1.7

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Title in English Uniform portal platform for sharing and offering digital eduactional contents among medical faculties network MEFANET ver 1.7


Year of publication 2010
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web centrální brána sítě MEFANET
Description One of MEFANET main objectives is enabling authors to publish their electronic teaching materials in a system without any licensing fees. MEFANET has decided to develop an original and uniform solution for educational web portals, which are used, together with a central gate, to offer and share digital educational contents. The e-publishing system consists of ten standalone educational portal instances, which are run on each of the participating schools, and one central gate, which allows students to find study materials from all participating schools at once. The portal instances are connected to authentication services of the involved schools. Recent developments have been focused on a new set of tools for quality evaluation of the published contents. This set of tools is called as "4-D model for digital contents quality assessment" - the following four dimensions will be presented in detail: 1) review, 2) typological classification, 3) level of the target group, 4) users self-study score.
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