Publication details

Influence of surface charges on the structure of a dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure: experiment and modeling



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Plasma physics
Keywords POSITIVE STREAMER; EQUATIONS;Electrical properties;Plasma simulation;
Description we consider a point-to-plane geometry with the dielectric covering the plane electrode. Plasma filaments are initiated by streamers, starting from the high-field region close to the point electrode. The plasma filaments deposit charges on the dielectric plate which screen the electric field and lead to an extinction of the discharge filaments. In this work we experimentally demonstrate the synchronous start of several filaments in a time range of less than a few tens of nanoseconds and we show that the charges deposited on the dielectric have a strong impact on the discharge structure. This is validated using a simple electrostatic model. Then, the dynamics of the 2D streamer propagation in the gas gap and its interaction with the dielectric plane is calculated. The influence of space charges and surface charges on the discharge structure are discussed and compared with the experiment.

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