Publication details

Jak na bodnutí hmyzem a reakci na alergen?

Title in English How to deal with insect stings and reaction to the allergen?

THON Vojtěch

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Interní medicína pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation THON, Vojtěch. Jak na bodnutí hmyzem a reakci na alergen? (How to deal with insect stings and reaction to the allergen?). Interní medicína pro praxi. 2010, vol. 12, No 6, p. 330-332. ISSN 1212-7299.
Field Immunology
Keywords yellow jacket; honeybee; insect venom allergens; anaphylactic reaction; immunotherapy
Description Allergic reactions to insect stings can cause bright variety of symptoms from local extreme swelling to systemic anaphylaxis. Systemic reactions affect 3 % of adults and 1 % of children. Severe reactions can occur at any age without warning. The treatment of choice for acute anaphylaxis is epinephrine injection. Diagnostic tests should be carried out in all patients with a history of a systemic reaction to detect sensitization. Testing comprises skin test with Hymenoptera venoms and serologic evidence of venom-specific IgE antibodies. Hymenoptera venoms contain glycoprotein allergens which are unique to each family but are similar among the vespids. Venom immunotherapy is a highly effective causal treatment.

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