Publication details

Percepce historické hranice Moravy a Slezska obyvatelstvem Jesenicka

Title in English Perception of historical borderline between Moravia and Silesia by inhabitants of Jesenicko region

ŠERÝ Miloslav ŠIMÁČEK Petr

Year of publication 2010
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The Jesenicko region is special area, which is situated in a borderland of Czech Republic. Practically whole region lies in Silesia. The border between two historical countries (Moravia, Silesia) delimitates the region under examination. Authentic German local population was displaced and replaced by wave of new immigrants in phase after World War II. The carriers of regional identity were lost. Main aim of this paper is to recognize degree of knowledge in belonging Jesenicko region to Silesia with help of perception of border by population of Jesenicko region. (Un)knowledge of fact, that Jesenicko region is part of Silesia can indicate range of regional identity of population of Jesenicko region.
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