Publication details

Prožitek místa: Studium jazyka a literárně vědné postupy v sociálně-vědním výzkumu.

Title in English Spatial Experience: Language and literary science analysis in sociological research.


Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Drawing on results of an empirical study conducted in the city of Brno in spring 2010, we try to show how the interpretation frameworks of social sciences were enriched by the tradition of literature studies, especially thanks to the structuralist method and the concept of chronotope. The main research topic was the perception and experience of a specific place – public space in front of the main railway station in Brno – by its everyday users. The first of our approaches is based on a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews. It illustrates how the narratives of everyday spatial practices are structured and framed within this space by shared, culturally meaningful binary oppositions. The second approach is inspired by Bachtin’s concept of chronotope that (in its modification within the social geography) accentuates inseparability of time and space and their mutual conditionality. The concept brings our attention to the set of temporalities, which, in their intersection, form the respective places. The concept of chronotope is applied in an analysis of mental maps, video and photo documentation focused on peoples trajectories, pace, directions, intensity and polyrhythmic integrity of the place surveyed.
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