Publication details

Analýza teploty aktivních povrchů v oblasti Brna

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Title in English Analysis of Land Surface Temperatures in Brno Region


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mikroklima a mezoklima krajinných struktur a antropogenních prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords urban climate; thermal imagery; land surface temperatures
Description Temperature variability in urban environment can be studied on different levels using different data sources such as standard meteorological measurements, special-purpose measurements, mobile measurements or e.g. thermal satellite imagery. Spatial distribution of Land Surface Temperatures (LST) in Brno and surroundings has been modeled using available imagery from Terra ASTER and Landsat 7 ETM+ satellites. We present two different methodological approaches that can be used for construction of LST fields. Since Landsat 7 ETM+ offers a single thermal imagery, the first approach uses emissivity maps that must be constructed from land-use categories in advance. Terra ASTER provides five thermal images and both emissivity and LST can be computed directly from them. We compare both methods and provide LST maps of the study area. These maps are used to describe spatial distribution of LST and to detect areas that are typical with higher LST values. Analysis of LST was prepared within the project no. GA205/09/1297
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