Publication details

Dvojice adjektiv odvozených od rozdílných základů typu hutní/ hutný

Title in English The Pairs of Adjectives Derived from the Different Primary Words (Type Hutní/Hutný)


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Zborník Rara Avis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords adjectivum;Deriv;Czech National Corpora;suffix;lemmatization
Description The web tool Deriv generates groups of words in accordance with formally inserted rules from the lexicon of automatic morfemic analyser ajka. List of the pairs of adjectives ended in suffixes –ní or –ný (primarily derived from the same words) also contains the pairs of adjectives derived from different primary words. These adjectives could not be distinguished by Deriv and cause problems in following work with them or during their lemmatization.
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