Publication details

Nové výzvy literární genologii

Title in English New Challenges to Genre Theory (Genology)


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source STIL
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords New prose as a challenge to genre theory two generational approaches „long“ prose „media literature“ roots of both approaches as „nihil novi sub sole“
Description The author of the present contribution deals on the example of the two new works, a short narrative of a Czech prose writer of a younger generation (Jiří Šimáček: Snaživky. Větrné mlýny, Brno 2009) and a loose cycle of three novels written by a Slovak writer (Tibor Ferko: Občan O(t)O. Fiktívny príbeh s prvkami faktu. Vydavateľstvo Pozsony/ Pressburg/Bratislava 2003. Lásky hra osudná. Spolok slovenských spisovateľov, Bratislava 2006. Pokušenie starého kocúra. Vydavateľstvo Pozsony/ Pressburg/Bratislava 2010) going back to his youth spent in the 1960s with the polarization of the two different approaches towards the genre structure based on a different feeling of space and time. He states that the two genre types represent a serious challenge to genre theory and genre (genological) interpretation of the efficiency of the two genre structures – one more pragmatic, the other based on the 19th- and 20th-centuries narrative tradition.
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