Publication details

Formování výkonové motivace u dětí mladšího školního věku prostřednictvím pohybových aktivit

Title in English Formation of performance motivation in early school age children via motor activities


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sport jako životní styl 2009
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords motivation; performance motivation; aspiration; programmes of formation of performance motivation
Description Performance motivation is a need of a subject to achieve success in various activity areas, particularly in competition with other people (Blahutková, 1999). The term “competition” shall not be limited only in the sport area but it shall be understood as a general conception. Aspiration determines the arduousness of our goals. Via application of suitable programs we may influence the performance motivation and aspiration level. The paper summarises the process and results of a research focused on formation of performance motivation programs in early school age children.

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