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Publication details
Mezigenerační učení v rodině očima dětí, rodičů a prarodičů
Title in English | Intergenerational Learning in Family through Prespective of Children, Parents and Grandparents |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2010 |
Type | Appeared in Conference without Proceedings |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Description | The main topic of our article is intergenerational learning in family. Themainquestionofourresearchis: What do adultchildren, parents and grandparentslearnfromeachotherand how do theypercievethislearning? Questioningwasfocused on characterizationoftheparticipiants and theirfamilies, valuationoftheircommunicationwithinthefamily, sharedleisuretime, atmospherewithinfthefamily, relationships, direction and mutualityoflearning.Responsesofthreegenerationsoftherespondents are beingcompared and interpreted on the background ofcharacteristics and approachesoftherespondents andtheirfamilies. |
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