Publication details

Optimal unambiguous comparison of two unknown squeezed vacua


BUŽEK Vladimír OLIVARES Stefano SEDLÁK Michal RAPČAN Peter PARIS Matteo G. A.

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physical Review A
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Theoretical physics
Keywords Quantum information processing; squeezed vacuum states; comparison
Description We propose a scheme for unambiguous state comparison (USC) of two unknown squeezed vacuum states of an electromagnetic field. Our setup is based on linear optical elements and photon-number detectors, and achieves optimal USC in an ideal case of unit quantum efficiency. In realistic conditions, i.e., for non-unit quantum efficiency of photodetectors, we evaluate the probability of getting an ambiguous result as well as the reliability of the scheme, thus showing its robustness in comparison to previous proposals.
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