Publication details

Psychometric properties of the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R) in Czech adolescent sample



Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Comprehensive Psychiatry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Cloningers seven-factor model of personality; TCI-R; psychometric properties; adolescence; gender differences
Description The psychometric properties of the TCI-R method were investigated in a cohort of 15-year-old adolescents (n = 787). This is the lowest recommended age for using the adult version of the method. A factor analysis of the temperament and character scales was carried out on the basis of Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation. We compared our results with a previous TCI version which was used in the pilot study of 15-year-olds (n = 171), with established norms for the Czech adolescents and adults, and in regard to gender differences. The principal component analyses for all scales with eigenvalues greater or equal to 1 resulted in only a 6 factor structure, in contrast to the 7 factor structure postulated by Cloninger. But the factor solution, computed separately for temperament (4F) and character (3F), approximately reflected the Cloninger's model except for the temperament subscales NS1 (Exploration Excitability), RD1 (Sentimentality) and RD4 (Dependence), which load multiple factors, and the character subscale SD 4 (Self-acceptance), which loads the Cooperativeness factor. The internal consistency of the main TCI-R scales was excellent; the Cronbach's alpha varied from .83 (NS) to .89 (HA). However, for some subscales (NS4, RD4, and CO5) the consistency was rather weak. In our research, the previous version of TCI showed less satisfying psychometric properties than TCI-R did. In terms of gender differences, girls scored higher in NS, RD, HA, CO and ST, whereas boys scored higher in PS; no statistically significant differences for SD were found. In general, our results support the Cloninger's postulated 7 factor personality structure and the appropriateness of the TCI-R usage for 15-year-old adolescents.
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