Publication details

A Note on Angular Momentum Commutators in Light-Cone Formulation of Open Bosonic String Theory

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Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Physica Polonica B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Theoretical physics
Keywords Light-Cone Formulation; Bosonic Open String Theory.
Description We recalculate in a systematic and pedagogical way one of the most important results in the light-cone formulation of Bosonic open string theory, namely the [J^{-i},J^{-j}] commutators, which together with Lorentz covariance, famously yield the critical dimension D=26 and the normal order constant a=1. We use traditional transverse oscillator mode expansions (avoiding the elegant but more advanced language of operator product expansions). We streamline the proof by introducing a novel bookkeeping/regularization parameter kappa to avoid splitting into creation and annihilation parts, and to avoid sandwiching between bras and kets.
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