Publication details

Effect of terpene admixture on negative corona current pulses in air



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ZAHORANOVÁ, A., A. BUČEK, M. ONDRÁŠKOVÁ and Mirko ČERNÁK. Effect of terpene admixture on negative corona current pulses in air. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 2009, vol. 54, No 3, 5 pp. ISSN 0011-4626.
Field Plasma physics
Keywords Cathode surface; Corona discharge; Terpenes
Description We present an experimental study of negative corona pulses in short point-to-plane geometry measured with nanosecond time resolution in air and in air with admixture of terpene vapours at atmospheric pressure. The aim of this work is to explain observed differences in the discharge on trees and plants and standard negative corona burning on a metal cathode. To this goal we have compared the waveform of the first negative corona current pulses in pure air with those in air with admixture of terpene vapours. The observed difference has been explained by the growth of thin polymeric layer on the cathode surface, which changes the cathode surface properties and the discharge mechanism.

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