Publication details

Nanopolyperoxidáza: zvýšení citlivosti ELISA metody

Title in English Nanopolyperoxidase: enhancement of ELISA method sensitivity


Year of publication 2008
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The ELISA method signal enhancement system was developed (so called nanopolyperoxidase, NPP) based on conjugation of antibody, peroxidase and nanoparticles. The prototype is an universal enhancer of bioanalytical assays signal. It is based on multiplication of peroxidase molecule content in the immunoconjugate. Such made NPP gives about one order higher signal comparing to standard imunoconjugates, ELISA and blotting membrane visualization methods were used for method evaluation and verification. Low biochemical consumption combined with unchanged practical procedure belongs to the main advantages of the NPP system. There is no similar product on the market. The product was made after testing. The result was a one of project NPVII 2B06056 aims.
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