Publication details

ELISA kit pro detekci aduktů PAH

Title in English ELISA kit for PAH-adducts


Year of publication 2010
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Result: functional sample of standard ELISA kit for the determination of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) aducts in various samples based on antibody affinity. ELISA kit consists of microtitre plate covered PAH-bioconjugate and thus prepared for further use. Primary antibody (anti-PAH metabolites affinity), secondary peroxidase labeled antibody (commercial product) and ready-to-use substrate solution (EnzymoPlus Brno) for visualization of resulted assay state are the next components of the package. Tools needed in the lab: micro-pipette, tips, plastic tube, microplate washer and ELISA reader. The product was made after testing. The result was a one of project NPVII 2B06056 aims.
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