Publication details

Genetic Study of Children from Burial Ground Pohansko near Breclav (preliminary results)



Year of publication 2007
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The South Outer Precinct is the second largest burial ground that was discovered at archaeological area Pohansko, which is located near Břeclav in the Czech Republic. Bone material was excavated in the period of 1975-1979 during a rescue archaeological research. The burial ground is dated within the end of 8th century and the beginning of 10th century. The bone material from The South Outer Precinct is preserved in very poor quality, the bones are fragmentary and in most cases they are undeterminable. Altogether 189 skeletons were discovered, 27 were recognised as masculine, 40 as feminine and 88 as children. The sex could not be identified in 34 skeletons. The aim of this study is to determine the sex of childrens and non-identified skeletons using methods of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The sex is determined by amplifying a segment of the X-Y homologous gene amelogenin and by amplifying a short 93 bp of the SRY gene. The study is at the beginning, but we have already got some positive results, which will be very important for demography of the burial ground.
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