Publication details

Od sociální satiry k melodramatu. Hry Oskara Braatena jako filmové předlohy.

Title in English From Social Satire to Melodrama. Adaptations of Oskar Braaten's Plays


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Iluminace. Časopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Oscar Braaten
Description The text deals with three Norwegian films from the 1930s (The Big Christening, Good People and The Child), which were based on popular plays by the contemporary Norwegian author Oskar Braaten. The article explores the adaptation patterns chosen by individual directors (Tancred Ibsen, Leif Sinding and Rasmus Breistein, respectively) and questions the playwright's influence on the scripts and the final form of the films. The article puts these films into a wider historical context showing the development of Norwegian cinema in contrast and correspondence with cinema of its culturally mightier neighbors Sweden and Denmark. The text also deals with the phenomenon of adaptation, focusing on the specific phenomenon of adaptation of dramatic texts using theories by Egil Törnqvist and Julie Sanders.

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