Publication details

Is Social Policy Part of the Decision Making Process about Motherhood in the Czech Republic?



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Romanian Journal of Population Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords social policy;parenthood decision making;transition to motherhood;Czech Republic
Description Social policy has played an important factor in discussions about birth rates in European countries. Focusing on the motherhood decisionmaking, we used qualitative interviews with two groups of women (mothers after age of thirty and women who were childless after age of thirty) to determine whether external conditions - mainly social policies and standards - were affecting this process. It revealed an indirect influence of social policies on this decision-making process, demonstrated by, among other things, how the respondents anticipated and depicted the transition to motherhood and how they would prepare themselves materially and psychologically for it.
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