Publication details

Sledování mikroklimatu ve třídě během vyučování



Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The recommendations of the scientific research are not always sufficiently accepted by the population. Often it is useful to support the conclusions of these researches by simplified experiments that are suitable for school education. Direct contact of pupils with their own (albeit simplified) measurement has significant downstream impact. This paper describes the possibility of a simple monitoring of the basic physical parameters describing the microclimate in the classroom during the lesson. The main parameter, which can significantly affect the efficiency of the teaching/learning process, in addition to temperature, humidity and light intensity is the CO2 content. For monitoring the parameters we have chosen a school set Vernier, which allows us to track selected monitored parameters, their record and export to the data file for further processing. Monitoring of the parameters was carried out over a longer time in the course in different types of classrooms (different exposures to the impact of solar radiation, different size of the room) with a variable number of pupils, and during the various pupils activities. It was evaluated the role of half-open windows and short ventilation of the classroom during a lesson on the values of physical quantities. Evaluation of microclimate measurements enabled us to create instructions for school projects. The measurement can be completed by testing the reaction time of students under various microclimatic conditions.

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