Publication details

Strukturální dopady hospodářských cyklů na českou ekonomiku

Title in English Structural impacts of business cycles on the Czech economy

NĚMEC Daniel

Year of publication 2011
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The goal of this contribution is to present empirical results regarding the changes in the Czech economy in the last fifteen years. We are concerned with the questions of stability of the relationships among the key economic variables. These relationships are expressed particularly by the dynamic Okun's law, Phillips curve, IS curve or the Taylor's rule. The cyclical development of the economy is based on the simultaneous estimation of the four (unobserved) natural rates: potential output, NAIRU, equilibrium real interest rate and equilibrium real exchange rate. Our results (among others) show that the significant changes of parameters are identified only in the period of the last economic downturn beginning the fourth quarter 2008 and that these changes influenced only a part of the key model parameters.
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