Publication details

Vymezení ottnanských štěrků v lokalitě Obora – Junácká louka (údolí Svratky, SZ od Brna) na základě geofyzikálního měření

Title in English A proposal on limitation of Ottnangian sediments at the locality Obora - Junácká louka (the Svratka river Valley, NW from Brno) based on geophysical research

KUDA František HUBATKA František PETERKOVÁ Lucie

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords the Svratka River; tectonic depression; Ottnangian sediments; ground penetrating radar; vertical electrical sounding
Description The paper deals with geophysical reseach in the middle Svratka River valley, Junácká louka - Obora site near the Brno dam. The longtime investigations cover development phases of the Svratka river. This part is focused on spatial limitation of a tectonically conditioned depression with Ottnangian sediments. We used ground penetrating radar and vertical electrical sounding for survey, advanced GPR processing and analysis in geographic information system.

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