Publication details

Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. in the Slovak Republic

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PLESKOVÁ Zuzana ŠOLTÉS Rudolf HÁJEK Michal DÍTĚ Daniel

Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Paludella squarrosa belongs to the monotypic genus Paludella (family Meesiaceae). Despite the fact that it is widespread in boreal region, the moss is quite rare in Central Europe. From Slovakia, 4 of 11 historical sites found in literauture were verified and 9 new localities were recently found. Most of historical sites are either completely destroyed, changed by succession or declined. According to our measurements Paludella avoids extremely poor sites and can tolerate higher concentrations of cations: pH 5.57– 7.11, Ca concentration in water 5.34–68.82 mg/l, Mg 2.9–35.78 mg/l and conductivity 69.9–355 microS/cm. Considering vegetation the species finds its optimum in the rich fen alliance Sphagno-Tomenthypnion and calcareous fen alliance Caricion davalliane. The species is probably endangered by strengthened competition with Sphagnum species and vascular plants that takes place after nutrient enrichment and/or water table decrease, especially when the fen is not being managed.
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