Publication details

Postavení rodiny v systému péče o dítě se sluchovým postižením

Title in English Family in the System of Care for Hearing-impaired Children


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source E-Pedagogium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords hering-impaired child; family; early care; communication means; research
Description For the appropriate personality development of a child with hearing impairment, it is necessary to involve a broad team of people – physicians, teachers, and parents. This colaboration, unless it is just formal, can lead to the best incorporation to the majority society. However, family is the most important element of a complex care. Family is the most significant social group for personal development of a child, providing a background and satisfies its needs. The paper discusses the importance of the right choice of communication channel between a hearing-impaired child and its parents.
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