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Phenological observations made by the I. R. Bohemian Patriotic–Economic Society, 1828–1847.

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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Theor. Appl. Climatol.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation BRÁZDIL, Rudolf, Monika BĚLÍNOVÁ and Jaroslav ROŽNOVSKÝ. Phenological observations made by the I. R. Bohemian Patriotic–Economic Society, 1828–1847. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2011, vol. 105, 1-2, p. 71-81. ISSN 0177-798X.
Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords phenological observations; Czech lands; Bohemian Patriotic-Economic Society; statistic analysis
Description Scholarly and economic management societies played an important role in the beginnings of meteorological observations in Central Europe. In Bohemia, one such was the Imperial Royal Patriotic-Economic Society of Bohemia which, as well as making meteorological observations, organised a network of phenological stations and published the results of their observations from 1828 to 1847. The phenological observations covered 31 different forest plants, fruit trees and field-crops. Analysis of the observations led to the collation of information on the temporal and spatial distribution of the observed phenological characteristics in 1828–1847, which was cooler and generally wetter with respect to more recent temperature and precipitation patterns (1961–1990) in the study area. Phenophases of flowering and ripeness for selected plants are presented for the Hradec Králové and Loket stations, showing late onsets in this period in comparison with recent phenological stations and taking measurements in 1993–2009.
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