Publication details

Aplication of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Approach to Evaluating Disparities in the Regional development


VITURKA Milan ŽÍTEK Vladimír KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie TONEV Petr

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ekonomický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords disparities - business environment - competitiveness - regional policy.
Description The paper presents a new perspective on the issue of evaluating developmental disparities. The created methodology of the microeconomic evaluation consists of three main components: business environment quality, use of human resources, and innovation potential. Further, the paper provides information on the results of the methodology being applied to the Czech Republic. Its information relevance was also tested using comparison with the results of macroeconomic analysis based on standard statistical data, carried out within a geographically larger scope of 10 selected new EU member states (NUTS 2 level). Finally, recommendations helpful for the needs of regional policy were formulated.
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