Publication details

Konflikty mezi rodiči a děti: Současné teorie

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Title in English Interparental conflicts and children: Contemporary theories


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords interparental conflict; children's and adolescents' adjustment;cognitive-contextual framework; emotional security hypothesis
Description The contribution reviews information about the effects of interparental conflict on children adjustment and introduces basic thesis of the process-oriented approach to research in this domain. Next, two of the most influential theoretical approaches in this problem area are described – the cognitive-contextual framework by J. H. Grych and F. D. Fincham and emotional security theory by E. M. Cummings and P. T. Davies. The contribution focuses on their principles and possibilities of empirical findings used in councelling practice. In addition, the efforts to integrate these theories in one emotional-cognitive model of interparental conflict effects on children are mentioned.
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