Publication details

LISTEN TO ME 5 - 5. Internationale Konferenz für Kinder und junge Leute mit Taubblindheit und ihre Familien

Title in English LISTEN TO ME 5 - 5. International Conference for Children and Jung People with Deafblindness and their Families


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source behinderte Menschen
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Description The paper deals with the tradition of international family conferences ofor children and jung people with deafblindness and their families LISTEN TO ME, specifically with the conference LISTEN TO ME 5, which took place in the Czech Republic in sommer 2010. The organisator of this conference was the organisation Záblesk, o.s. - Association of Parents and Friends of children with deafblindness.

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